The Coach Is In- Clarity

* Why is clarity important to creating your best life

*  When does a dream, wish or want becomes a goal or aim for your life

*  How to gain clarity

*  The most important question to ask yourself to get clarity

*  The benefit of having clear goals & aims in life

*  The importance of a plan

Checkout this podcast for the answer to theses questions

The Coach Is In- Why Have a Coach?


The coach is in, is where we offer tips to help you develop a strategy to make the changes you want to make, to create the life you desire.

As we go through life, we may be confronted with issues which may overwhelm us at times.  It is during these time that having a coach is beneficial.  The coach will help you develop a strategy to take you from where you are to where you want to be.

Life coaches help guide you in defining your goals clearly, then developing an action plan which is comfortable for you so you can achieve them.  A plan in which, your goals are broken down into manageable pieces.  A plan with a start date and a projected end date.

A coach will help you focus on your goals and keep you accountable.  Your coach is the person whose job is to help you succeed.

Life is full of change, and change can be scary.  A coach is your helper and cheerleader as you embrace change and move forward in life.

Unresolved Traumas

Food For Thought:

Living with unresolved, childhood traumas as an adult, allows the pain or hurt to continue instead of healing.    –Rebecca Emu

Whether we are aware of it or not, our past can have a profound effect on our present, our future and especially our health.  In order to live our best lives, we must be emotionally whole.  If our present circumstances are not what we think they should be, or we suffer from illness after illness, maybe it is time to examine our past to determine if there are any unresolved traumas which need healing.  Food for thought.


clock As we go through our lives caring for others, many times we forget to care for ourselves.  “Me time” is an important part of self-care & caring for others.

“Me time” can under girds us with renewed strength, confidence and calmness.  It is a time to de-stress, a time to refresh our strength, a time to be present in the moment, a time to be present in our life, and a time to remember our value/worth, it can even be a time to receive answers to questions.  “Me time” makes it possible for us to care for others in a healthy way.  I once heard that most caretakers died before the person they are caring for; I believe it was because they forgot to care for themselves.

Taking time to walk in nature, joining a meditate group/activity, enjoying a spa day, or time with friends, doing your favorite activity-like roaming the mall, taking a weekend getaway, are some of the ways to have “me time”.

So how can some one have “me time” if they are caring for some one 24/7.  It must be scheduled, the same way a doctor’s appointment is scheduled.  If you don’t have some one to relieve you for a day or a few hours, then you will need to create your “me time” around the person’s down time.

Create a meditation spot, take a long bubble bath, stand by your door or window and take deep breaths if you can’t go for a walk, call a friend to chat, develop a hobby, create a spa experience at home, are a few ideas for an at home “me time”.  

You must care for yourself, so you can care for others.  As stated before,  “me time” is an important part of self-care and caring for others.  How will you add “me time” to your life?



Simple Basic Vegan Mayo

Knowing how to start making the change to healthier eating can be both overwhelming and difficult.  Here is a recipe to help you on your journey.  Try using this vegan mayonnaise from time to time.  You just might make it your mayo of choice.

Once you have the basic recipe mastered, experiment with it by using flavored oils or adding your favorite herb.  The possibilities are endless.

Simple Basic Vegan Mayonnaise

(Small Batch)

2 TB Aquafaba (the clear liquid in canned beans- liquid from garbanzo or a white bean preferred)

½-1 TB Apple Cider Vinegar or Lemon Juice (depends on taste preference)

⅛-¼ Tsp Black Sea Salt (for eggy taste-a little goes a long way) or sea salt

¼ Tsp Dried Ground Mustard

½-¾ C Neutral oil of your choice

Combine the first four ingredients in a blender or food processor, and blend.  Once combine and with the machine still running, slowly add the oil till mixture thickens to the consistency you like- depending on the amount of oil used.  Transfer to container, refrigerate.  Enjoy!

Simple Vegan Butter

Eating healthy is a vital part of being healthy.  Here is a recipe to help you on your journey.  Try using this vegan butter from time to time as an alternative.  You just might like it and make the change permanent.

(1 Small Stick)

¼ C Coconut oil (refined if you don’t like the coconut flavor)

3 TB Olive Oil  (or neutral flavor oil of your choice)

2 T Plant Based Milk

¼ tsp Apple Cider Vinegar

Salt to taste
Combine ingredients in a blender or food processor and blend on a high speed till well combine.  Mixture should look creamy. Place in a mold/container of your choice and refrigerated till firm, then enjoy.


Note: use less oil for a firmer butter and more for a softer products



Let Food Be Thy Medicine!



“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” Hippocrates

The first time I heard that quote, I remember thinking, “yes, that’s it”.   “It” being, what I felt but could not express so perfectly.  Food was not only meant to be enjoyed, but was also meant to nourish and heal the body as it was enjoyed.

But what happens when food becomes the enemy, and causes illness and not healing?  For most it may be the beginning of taking man-made drugs.  For others, it is a journey to discover the root cause of the illness, make changes, and take a natural approach to healing.

Sometimes, not eating certain foods is medicine to the body.  For people with food allergies or sensitivity, eliminating offending foods, will allow the body to heal itself when given the proper nutrients and environment.  The body is a marvelous machine capable of healing itself when given the correct environment and nutrients. There is no one food plan that fits all needs because people are different, and nutritional needs may change at different stages of someones life.   Therefore, when symptoms occurs, shouldn’t the treatment process be tailored to that individual’s needs based on  that individuals uniqueness?  A functional approach to medicine, which includes looking at lifestyle factors as both potential causes and potential solutions, I feel should be the first step in the solution.  What if the solution to an illness is something as simple as removing certain foods from the diet or adding certain nutrients to the diet?

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”, definitely food for thought!

What do you think?



Comic_SadmanOur lives are filled with stressful events but we don’t have the let these events control us. Routines are a helpful tool to cope with stress.  A routine, once established, takes the need to make certain decisions out of the equation during stressful times. Having some routines in your life can be positive.  Another name for a routine is a ritual. Many people have what they call  “morning rituals” and/or “evening rituals”. During this time they do the same acts daily to start or end their day.  They may exercise, pray, light candles, burn incense, meditate, read something inspirational or do something which uplifts them. Routines can be developed for most activities in your life, and it takes about 21-days of repeating an action for it to become a habit/routine.  

Getting stress under control is important, but how?  Meditation, going for a run or walk, a change of scenery, deep breathing, working out, getting a massage, listening to your favorite song or doing Tai Chih, Yoga, or Qi Gong are some of the activities which can help reduce your stress.

Stress is thought to be the underlying cause of most diseases. Controlling stress will go along way to reducing risk factors of stress related illnesses like high blood pressure, heart attack & strokes.  

Stress causes the release of the hormone cortisol. This hormone is sometimes referred to as the fight or flight hormone because it is produced when the body is in stressful situations in which a decision must be made to fight or flee.  Too much cortisol in the body can block proper function of insulin, which in turn can lead to insulin resistance and ultimately, type 2 diabetes.

Developing ways to deal with stress that best suits your life is something you can do to improve your health and reduce your risk factor for some serious diseases.  Our lives can be stressful but we don’t have to let it control us. How we respond to issues that arise in our life, is in our control. Learning to deal with negative issues in a positive, non stressful manner, is one of the best things we can do for our health.